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Novel unfiltered beer-based marinades to improve the nutritional quality, safety, and sensory

Writer: FunctionalFoodsLabFunctionalFoodsLab

Natalia P. Vidal*, Charles Manfula, Thu H. Pham, Evan Wheelea, Peter Stewart,Dwayne Keough, Raymond Thomas*

Food Chemistry 2020, Volume 302,125326;

Fig. 6. a) Spider plot (mean scores) and b) one-way ANOVA showing the differences in the sensory attributes of unmarinated and marinated grilled beef and moose. Values in bar charts represent means ± standard errors of the scores. Means accompanied by different superscripts are significantly different at LSD α = 0.05; n = 121. c) Principal component analysis (PCA) performed with the sensory attributes scored by the panellists and the abundances of the volatiles detected in the headspace of the unmarinated and marinated samples. [UB, UM] = unmarinated grilled beef and moose; [BM, MM] = Indian Session Ale unfiltered beer-based marinated grilled beef and moose; [BS, MS] = wheat Ale.


Ruminant meat is considered an excellent source of proteins, dietary fatty acids and essential minerals. Grilling is a popular cooking method; however, the high temperatures employ could modify the grilled meat quality and safety. In this study, the effects of novel beer-based marinades infused with herbs and spices on the quality, safety, and sensory perception of grilled beef and moose meat is examined. Unmarinated meat showed high content of volatile lipid oxidation and Maillard reaction products compared to the marinated samples, which contained higher number and abundance of terpenes and sulfur based compounds. Strong relationships between Maillard products and heterocyclic amines formation, as well as between volatile terpenes and the lipophilic antioxidant activity, were observed in the grilled meats. The findings suggest the unfiltered beer-based marinades were effective in reducing lipid oxidation and Maillard reaction compounds formation, while improving the nutritional quality, safety and sensory preference of grilled ruminant meats.


Grilled ruminant meat; Volatile metabolites; Oxidation; Unfiltered beer-based marinades; Maillard reaction compounds; SPME-GC/MS




© 2025 Functional Foods Sensory Lab

        Memorial University of Newfoundland, Grenfell

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